Panels & Windows for Ornate Garden

Our Blooming Partnership With Luxury Garden Pod Brand We helped luxury garden pod manufacturer Ornate Garden recover from the loss of a longstanding supplier – and our new partnership is going from strength to strength. From their Coleshill base, Ornate Garden has...

FSDUs for Bazooka Candy Brands European campaigns

European roll out for Bazooka brand FSDUs Our high impact FSDU for Juicy Drop Pop range can now be seen in stores across Europe As long ago as 2020 we detailed a challenging but exciting FSDU project for international confectionery brand Bazooka Candy Brands. The...

Drape moulded screens & covers for much loved bubblecar

Helping A Classic Car to Keep on Motoring To readers of a certain vintage, the site of a Heinkel Kabine puts a smile on their face. The much-loved ‘bubble car’ was launched in 1955 and almost 70 years later there are still 100s of proud owners in the UK. We are...

Screens for driverless pods

Wrights Plastics Supply Components For Futuristic Driverless Pods We’ve seen the future – it’s driverless and features components made by Wrights Plastics! When in 2017 a consortium of businesses including our then customer Westfield Cars trialed futuristic driverless...

TEDx Glasgow LED Sign

Making an impact with 8m illuminated signage TEDx talks aim to make an impact, and we wanted to do the same with our signage project for TEDxGlasgow, commissioned by TEDx founder Gurjit Singh Lalli. Gurjit said “We carried out a rigorous national tendering process and...
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